Saturday, August 14, 2010

-Mommy, Im Scared

-Peer Pressure

I don't believe in [PEER PRESSURE] just for the simple fact that nobody can make you do ANYTHING that you don't want to do. I've never understood how you could blame somebody else for something that you've done because they "Made You Do It." That's complete BS_ You can always say NO or deny the opportunity to do something that you know is wrong. Nobody &nd I mean Nobody can force you to do anything! They don't have the power or control. Everything you do is your own personal choice so peer-pressure doesn't exist. I don't care what anyone says...

- My Beautiful Ex Wife ♥


-Your Ways Are So Beyond Me

All things are working for me, Even things that I cant see. I know that I wont always receive good, but im praying that my heart will remain [WHOLE].
All things YES everything &nd you must believe.

-Ay Yo Sean


-Pee Wee ♦


Sometimes in life we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we forget about the most important thing "Our Lord &nd Savior." Nobody's perfect but at the same time we are all old enough to know right from wrong &nd eventually will be held accountable for all the things we've done on this earth. God made every single person different/ special in their own way. Meaning that no two people are alike. Therefor we all have different purposes in this world which we are to full-fill. &nd wither you've found our purpose yet or not, always live your life accordingly to God. You were not put on this earth to please anyone other than him/yourself. &nd you also dont have to live up to anyone else's standards. Life is way to short to blow-over &nd you dont get any re-do's so do it right the 1st time. &nd cherish your eternal life when this one destructs. [Sooner Or Later].


So a few hours ago me &nd my best-friend Ayanna celebrated our 1year anniversary as friends. Who would of known the night would turn into a complete disaster. There were fights, arguments &nd worst of all lies/rumors spread about [YOURS TRUELY]. If there isnt one thing in the world that I hate the most its a lier. Why Lie!? Thats the biggest question. I personally believe it was for publicity &nd the attention that people crave so much for. That rush of energy they get by spreading a false truth. Its so unnecessary and pointless. Next year Yanni, Its going to be just you &nd me. I refuse to deal with peoples insecurities &nd extra baggage!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

-Food Party ☻☺


Sometimes when things arent going so well we tend to get sad/depressed &nd lonely. We feel that there's nobody we can turn to, No one who understands. [TRUTH IS] God is with you [24/7/365] He'll never leave you or forsake you. He also promised that "He'll never give you more than you can bear." So when your feeling lonely or life gets you down always know that you can turn to GOD for anything! He's the only one who will have your back 100% no matter what. Believe in him &nd Trust him with everything &nd I promise you, your lonely days will soon come to an end.

-Iconic Figure





I swear Ive spent most of my summer job hunting &nd it really sucks. My age restricts me from employment [FML]. There's one last opportunity though &nd Im praying that God opens this door for me.



-Turn The Other Cheek

You know I've never understood that quote. Then again I dont walk away from things when I feel something needs to be addressed to someone. Im not the type to let people walk all over me. "Talking Mess" is another thing. People are gonna talk stuff about you regardless of who you are, you cant control that. But there are just some things that cross the line. I refuse to be disrespected especially to my face. Somethings gonna happen. I dont "Hold Back" or "Shut Up" therefor I usually just suffer the consequences. Your not gonna talk to me how ever you want, I dont care who you are &nd Im not gonna back down, run away &nd I'll be damned if I turned the other cheek.


Ima Pick The World Up, &nd Ima Drop It On Your Effin Head.

-&nd I Quote

"I hate liers, Fuck [LOVE] Im tired of tryin. My heart big, but it beats quiet." 


-She's Amazingg

-I Live For


I think its so funny &nd kind of sick in way that people now a days have no standards. Money, Pleasure, Popularity &nd Fame = Sex Drives. Your willing to literally "Fuck" your whole life up for something thats only temporary. To lower your self as a person &nd degrade your own body for something so little is so disgusting to me. &nd what makes it worse is nobody see's anything wrong with having sex with any/everyone. Its become "CUTE" SMH "What has the world come too."