Thursday, August 12, 2010

1st -Last.

"There is a [1st] time for everything," a refrained sentence of chosen words that I have heard time &nd time again. In all honesty i believe this quote is 100% [TRUE]. I also believe that the we live in a world of the un-known. A world full of curiosity &nd open-minded people who of which set out day to day challenging the world head on. Blinded of the repercussions they may face because they feel "Life is too short." As in the saying "what goes up must come down." *"Something started must soon eventually come to an end."* Being [1st] in many cases is looked at as a "Winning" or a sign of strength.  But in other cases being Lucky #1 may not be so lucky after all. Life is [Believe It Or Not] a game. A game that has been played for centuries and we are the pieces that keep this game going. Life cares for no one &nd nothing. Mishaps &nd obstacles are thrown at us day by day &nd how we choose to go about them is totally up to us. We are created with a form/set of rules &nd if followed correctly = Long.Lasting.Life. But if the rules of the game are tampered with thats when it gets tricky. Our "BFF" Death is right around the corner waiting on us every second of everyday. Your own life AKA the most precious gift you'll ever have the chance to receive is the only way to win this game. &nd being first is the last thing you want to do. Because once you die, the [1st] time you die, YOUR DONE. There is no coming back. No rewind button or re-do's. So play the game wisely, follow all the rules correctly &nd maybe Just maybe your [Last] might come before your [1st].

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