Saturday, August 14, 2010


Sometimes in life we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we forget about the most important thing "Our Lord &nd Savior." Nobody's perfect but at the same time we are all old enough to know right from wrong &nd eventually will be held accountable for all the things we've done on this earth. God made every single person different/ special in their own way. Meaning that no two people are alike. Therefor we all have different purposes in this world which we are to full-fill. &nd wither you've found our purpose yet or not, always live your life accordingly to God. You were not put on this earth to please anyone other than him/yourself. &nd you also dont have to live up to anyone else's standards. Life is way to short to blow-over &nd you dont get any re-do's so do it right the 1st time. &nd cherish your eternal life when this one destructs. [Sooner Or Later].

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